
글로벌 링크

Review and Confirmation of Budget Bills and Approval of Settlement of Accounts

Review and Confirmation of Budget Bills and Approval of Settlement of Accounts

  • In order to make sure the taxes inhabitants pay are not wasted, the Council confirms the budget bills the mayor of district formulates through a careful and strict examination and voting. (Examination and Confirmation of Budget Bills)
  • Also, the Council comprehensively examines whether or not the budget is lawfully and reasonably executed by the district hall and approved the settlement of accounts. (Settlement of Accounts)
Budget Bill Processing Procedure
  1. Budget bill is formulated and submitted (Mayor of District)

  2. Preliminary Examination (Standing Committees)

  3. Comprehensive Examination (Special Committee on Budget and Accounts)

  4. Deliberation and Voting(Plenary)

  5. Confirmation

Procedure for Settlement of Accounts
  1. Statement of settlement of accounts prepared (Mayor of District)

  2. Request for Approval (Mayor of District)

  3. Preliminary Examination (Standing Committees)

  4. Comprehensive Examination (Special Committee on Budget and Accounts)

  5. Deliberation and Voting (Plenary)

주소 및 연락처, 저작권정보